My Coding
I code cool little things sometimes I used to be a frontend web developer for four years before I got bored , but I still love doing it in my free time.
→ GitHub profile · GreasyFork (userscripts) · Tumblr Themes (on hiatus)
Tools I've made
- Tumblr Tag List Tool - quickly generate a list of tag links for your Tumblr blog.
- Pinterest Board Widget Generator - generate an iframe (or Notion widget) for your Pinterest board
- Vocabulary Manager - tools for managing your word lists
- Manual List Sorter - sort items in a list into two seperate lists easily
Userscripts I've made
- No Negative Reviews - Hides book reviews under a certain amount of stars
- Sort bookshelves - Sort the bookshelves on users' profiles alphabetically.
- Backup - Adds functionality to export all lists for backup purposes.
- Tweaks - Adds functionality to change colors as well as a few other tweaks.
other sites
- No Negative Reviews - Hides movie reviews under a certain amount of stars
- No Negative Reviews - Hides reviews under a certain amount of stars
- Export - Adds functionality for copying quizlet lists to the clipboard
- Export - Adds functionality for copying vocabulary lists to the clipboard
my big project...
I'm working on something big right now. Check back later for news
I'm working on some coding tutorials. You can find the links in the "coding help" section of my menu!