Name: Felix
Nicknames: Feli, Baby, Schnuckiputz
Warrior name: Pinknose → Dirtynose
Gender: female(!)
Age: 15 years
Colour: black and white
Likes: attention, watching birds, wall heating
Dislikes: other cats, cutlery noises, finishing her food
Name: Mogli
Nicknames: Stink, Ütz, Sack
Warrior name: Voidpelt
Gender: male
Age: 5 years
Colour: black
Likes: whipped cream
Dislikes: Schnuffel
Name: Schnuffelpuff
Nicknames: Schnuffel, "Eing'haude Wirtshaustür"
Warrior name: Flatface
Gender: female
Age: unknown, at least 10 years
Colour: brown
Likes: neck scratchies, making biscuits
Dislikes: Mogli
Name: Chico
Warrior name: Whitebeard
Gender: male
Age: 10-12 ✞
Colour: orange
Liked: people
Name: unknown
Nicknames: Izzy
Warrior name: Slushpelt
Gender: male
Age: unknown
Colour: white with dark spots
Likes: jumping on the kitchen counter
Dislikes: the spray bottle in his face when he jumps on the kitchen counter